Eliminating blood oncogenic exosomes into the small intestine with aptamer-functionalized nanoparticles > Latest_Journal_new

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Eliminating blood oncogenic exosomes into the small intestine with aptamer-functionalized nanoparticles

페이지 정보

댓글 0 조회 1,533 작성일 19-12-09 16:13


There are disease-causing biohazards in the blood that cannot be treated with modern medicines. Here we show that an intelligently designed safe biomaterial can precisely identify, tow and dump a targeted biohazard from the blood into the small intestine. Positively charged mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) functionalized with EGFR-targeting aptamers (MSN-AP) specifically recognize and bind blood-borne negatively charged oncogenic exosomes (A-Exo), and tow A-Exo across hepatobiliary layers and Oddi’s sphincter into the small intestine. MSN-AP specifically distinguish and bind A-Exo from interfering exosomes in cell culture and rat and patient blood to form MSN-AP and A-Exo conjugates (MSN-Exo) that transverse hepatocytes, cholangiocytes, and endothelial monolayers via endocytosis and exocytosis mechanisms, although Kupffer cells have been shown to engulf some MSN-Exo. Blood MSN-AP significantly decreased circulating A-Exo levels, sequentially increased intestinal A-Exo and attenuated A-Exo-induced lung metastasis in mice. This study opens an innovative avenue to relocate blood-borne life-threatening biohazards to the intestine.
